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If you are not satisfied with the actions or inactions of the service, its staff or volunteers you can submit a formal complaint in writing.

OverviewComplaint Stage 1Complaint Stage 2Complaint Stage 3Somerset SENDIAS Complaints Policy


The role of Somerset SENDIAS is to ensure that children, young people and their parent carers have access to confidential and impartial information, advice and support so they can make informed decisions about their own or their child’s SEND.

If you have raised that you are not satisfied with the actions, or inactions, of the service or its staff or volunteers, and this has not been immediately resolve you can submit a complaint to us in writing to:

The Manager
Somerset SENDIAS
The Hollies Children’s Centre
South Street

Complaint Stage 1

Raising a complaint will result in a formal response from the service in the form on a written letter, within 14 working days, by the Somerset SENDIAS Manager.

This letter will state who is dealing with the complaint, their contact details and a date by which you can expect to receive a response following investigation. This timeframe will usually be 15 working days, if the investigation is complex and expected to exceed this timeframe you will be informed.

Complaint Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the Stage 1 response, the matter will be referred to the Participation and Partnership Manager of Children’s Services, who will review whether the correct procedures and statutory regulations have been followed. They will consider whether a meeting would help to solve the problem, and whether to advise the Director of Children’s Services.

Unless the are sound reasons for not doing so, the Participation and Partnership Manager of Children’s Services will reply within 10 working days. If this is not possible an explanation and new date for reply will be sent. The response will refer to the availability of the Local Government Ombudsman, should the complainant still be dissatisfied.

Should the complaint involve actions taken by the Participation and Partnership Manager of Children’s Services, they will seek the Director of Children’s Services ruling on how the complaint should be dealt with.

Complaint Stage 3

If you still feel that the matter has not been dealt with fairly, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.

Local Government Ombudsman
The Oaks
2 Westwood Way
Westwood Business Park

Contact by phone: 0845 602 1983

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website

Somerset SENDIAS Complaints Policy

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Complaints Policy

PDF, 115KB

Last reviewed: July 22, 2024 by Adam

Next review due: January 22, 2025

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